Category: Protein Shake

3 Juice Recipes For Weight Loss

Losing weight may be one of the most frustrating experiences that people go through. All too often a person’s weight loss efforts seem to be in vain. They struggle to follow a diet plan, maybe one of the latest dieting fads, and ultimately end up losing nothing or gaining back every pound they had initially lost or even more! The reality is that any weight loss effort will be short lived, if it does not go hand-in-hand with a lifestyle change. If a person loses a ton of weight, but then reverts back to the lifestyle that created the weight gain in the first place, then all of their efforts will be wasted.

Making juicing a regular part of your daily life is one way to effect a positive change in your habits, while at the same time shedding your excess. Of course, you will need a juicer if you want to make your own nutritious juices.

1. Juice Recipes For Weight Loss: Breakfast

Some people consider that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it is the one that will get your metabolism moving and wake up your brain. A great juice to do this with is one that provides the brain with good sugars (which are the brain’s primary food) and the rest of the body with slow burning proteins.

Combine the juice of 1 orange, 1/2 a lemon, 1 bunch of kale, and 4 celery stalks. Mix this juice with 1 scoop of a vegetable-based or milk-based protein shake powder and 1 tablespoon of honey.

This is a great energy producing juice to start the day with. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and other energy producing compounds that will kick start your metabolism and keep you going for hours.

2. Juice Recipes For Weight Loss: Lunch

For lunch a good juice recipe is one that will satisfy any mid-day food cravings, while at the same time giving a person a good punch of energy to revitalize them and shake off any afternoon doldrums.

Take 1 cup of blueberries, 1 small bunch of grapes, 1 lime wedge, 2 carrots, 1 bunch of kale, and 1 bunch of parsley. Juice or blend these ingredients together and serve over ice.

You can pair this juice together with a small serving of lean meat like chicken, turkey, or fish to create a very satisfying and low calorie lunch that will not sabotage your weight loss efforts.

3. Juice Recipes For Weight Loss: Dinner

For dinner we want to unwind for the night. We are slowing things down, but still need to have a satisfying meal that will stave off any cravings for a midnight snack. We want a juice that will slowly feed our system nourishment and will appease any desire for something nice and savory.

Take 3 carrots, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of kale, 1 tomato, 1/4 sweet onion, 1 apple, and 2 celery stalks and juice them. Combine this juice with a scoop of casein protein powder in a shaker filled with ice. Shake for 30 seconds and drink the juice while it is nice and cold.

These are three great juicing recipes that will nourish your body and help you stay on track for your weight loss goals throughout the entire day and night.

Fast Diet 5:2

ice cream feast

Ice cream feast

Weight Gain

Christmas, and all of December was a feast for me. 🙁 I put on a stone (14 lbs, 6 Kgs) during December and reached what I think was probably my heaviest weight ever.

Fast Diet

Over the past few months I had been hearing about the fasting diet. Several places, magazines, health articles and on line were touting the benefits of the Fast Diet, where you fast (reduced calories) for two days in the week, often Monday and Thursday and then eat normally the rest of the week. It’s a calorie reduction programme with a difference. You eat normally for 5 days of the week and on two days (normally Monday and Thursday, you take only 500 calories (women) or 600 calories (men).

The 5:2 Fast Diet

3 January 2015
I read the book “The Fast Diet”, decided to follow it and to start now, with a fast. Good way to start the New Year after the Christmas gluttony! Nothing at breakfast time. 1 cup of protein shake at lunchtime. 2 slices bacon, 1 fried egg and spinach for dinner. drank hot lemon water and tea. I then measured my weight in the evening and I was 81.5kg – the heaviest I have ever been. Waist 36.5, inches and abdomen 43.5 inches – NOT good.

Comments. After such a small amount to eat, I expected to be ravenously hungry, but no, I wasn’t. I didn’t expect to have any problem in the morning because if I am going for exercise, I don’t eat or drink anything anyway and also if going to town, I don’t eat or drink anything either. Once it came to lunchtime, I was not starving but made my husband lunch and made myself a small protein shake, which I drank slowly. Then nothing til teatime. Was hungry AFTER tea but drank hot lemon water and my body realised it was mouth hunger or expectations, not real hunger. Good start. The book said that I would not feel really hungry and that even if I did, many people found that it was manageable because they knew they would be able to eat normally tomorrow.

5 January 2015 – Monday
Fast day today. Drank tea during the morning, nothing to eat. Had small container of protein shake at lunchtime. Had cold chicken, carrots and parsnips and green beans for tea.
Measurements: waist 37 Abdomen 43. Hungry but not ravenously so and able to forget about it if I did something. Knowing that tomorrow would be an “eat normally” day helped too.

6 January 2015 – Tuesday
Weighed self 79.6Kgs – a drop – good! Almost 2 Kgs lost, that’s over 4 pounds in weight. Probably mainly water, it always seems to be water loss at the start.

8 January 2015

Fast Day, drank tea and hot lemon, had 1 scoop protein shake in water for lunch. Dinner, some steak pieces casserole, with green beans and brussels sprouts.

9 January 2015

weighed self 79.4Kg. Hmmm, 3 days and I have only dropped 0.2Kgs

12 January 2015.

Fast day again. I had protein shake for lunch and cold chicken with spinach for dinner. Drank lots of tea and hot lemon and black coffee. Went for a walk in the afternoon. That was unusual because I normally exercise in the morning, so I don’t need a toilet break on a long walk but managed it and went quite fast but panting hard because it was so long since I had done much exercise. I was able to do it because I didn’t have any solid food inside me, otherwise I couldn’t have. Went up Golden Steps! (Hard Work!)
Measurements: waist 36.5″, Abdomen 42.5″. Hmm, don’t know if this is working for me. Have lost an inch from abdomen, not much. Feels good though, this diet does seem to reset appetite, as they said it would. Will stay on it for a bit longer.

Friday 16 January 2015
weighed self, 79.1Kg.
I don’t find that very fast but it’s still a loss and maybe it’s better that way. It is at least a loss and it’s 2.4 Kgs in 2 weeks. 1Kg a week is healthy.

weight graph January 2015

Weight Graph January 2015

Saturday 17 January 2015

Waist 36″, Abdomen 42″
Will try fasting today too. Didn’t manage it

Thursday 22 January 2015
Waist 37 Abdomen 42 – no difference!

Monday 2 February 2015
waist 36″, abdomen 43″ No real difference from 1 month ago.
This is not working for me, though I have stuck to the 5:2 formula.

Overall Comments

This is a doable diet. The book is very readable, and some good information and support in it. It is possible that staying on this diet would take my weight down gradually to a reasonable level. I know people who are on this diet and for whom it works well. I have included a graph of the weight loss, so you can see I did lose weight but I think I will try the Atkins diet next.