Tag: foods

7 Great Foods to Avoid High Blood Sugar

https://www.tryadietforamonth.com/There are a number of foods that can help you avoid high blood sugar as well as substantial weight loss. These can include vegetables, fruit, eggs, whole grains, and oats. By eating these foods, you will be able to maintain your body’s overall health, achieve healthy weight loss and a healthy heart rate. If your diet includes excess sugar as well as high amounts of carbs, then to prevent permanent damage to your blood vessels and nerve damage, you need to take these foods to heart. Literally!!

Because if you continue eat poorly without any care to your health, then this is what is in store for you: A diabetes treatment plan, diabetes medications, insulin pumps, constant trips back and forth to your diabetes care team. Oh and let’s not forget having a blood glucose meter that you need to get readings from constantly.


Eggs are a great source of nutrition. Eggs are a good source of protein and have very few carbs. They are low in fat and contain bioactive nutrients. They are also very easy to eat. The yolk has some vitamin D, which is beneficial for heart health.

Although eggs do contain high levels of cholesterol, they do not cause blood sugar spikes. As a result, they are an excellent choice for controlling blood pressure and diabetes. However, eggs are not a miracle food. Other factors, such as diet, lifestyle, and daily physical activity play a significant role in their effect on the body.

While egg consumption is not linked to type 2 diabetes, it does increase the risk of coronary heart disease and other health problems. Nevertheless, eggs are safe to eat in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Lean Meats

Lean meats are an excellent source of protein and can be a great addition to any diet. They also help burn your existing fat for energy.  However, for those with high blood sugar, it is important to be mindful of the type of lean meat that is consumed. Red meats such as beef, pork, and lamb should be avoided as they are high in saturated fat and cholesterol which can contribute to elevated blood sugar levels.

Additionally, processed meats such as bacon, sausage, hot dogs, and deli meats should also be avoided due to their high sodium content. Sodium can cause the body to retain water which can cause bloating and slow weight loss. Talk to your health care provider to help you set up a healthy meal plan to get you in the healthy range of eating meat.


https://www.tryadietforamonth.com/Vegetables are one of the best foods for diabetic ketoacidosis and gestational diabetes. They have a range of vitamins and minerals that help lower blood glucose levels. In addition, they are low in calories and provide filling nutrients. These vegetables can also lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The United States Department of Agriculture and The CDE – Certified Diabetes Educator recommends between two and three cups of vegetables for women and three to four cups of vegetables for men. Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is also essential for maintaining a healthy diet. Moreover, eating a large amount of vegetables can help you reduce the amount of high-calorie, high-carbohydrate foods you eat.


Fruits are good for you, but they also have a bad reputation for being high in sugar. If you’re diabetic, it’s important to remember that you can still eat fruits as long as you make a few simple changes.

The most important aspect of eating fruit is ensuring that you are consuming it in a sensible way. For instance, you need to choose fruits that are low on the glycemic index. This helps keep your blood sugar levels in check.

Another reason to eat fruit is that it contains fiber, which can help slow down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream. In addition, fruit is packed with nutrients like vitamins A and C. These antioxidants may help fight diseases like heart disease and cancer… as well as keeping those diabetes medicines at bay.

Whole grains

Whole grains are a great way to blood sugar control. They also help to keep your cholesterol level in check. Aside from that, whole grains can also aid in your weight management. It’s important to know that you should be eating about three servings a day of whole grains.

One study found that a whole grain-rich diet helped improve insulin sensitivity and bolster insulin resistance. Another found that whole grains are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. The benefits of eating whole grains include reducing your risk of diabetes, maintaining a healthy heart, and avoiding weight gain. Eating them may even increase your longevity, no matter what your family history says.

While it’s hard to tell exactly which benefits are the most important, one benefit of whole grains that can’t be ignored is the fact that they have a high fiber content. Fiber is a key component of a balanced diet. This helps to reduce your cholesterol levels and regulate your blood pressure. Additionally, it’s also known to improve your immune system.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea may help to keep your blood sugar levels balanced. It’s not recommended as a replacement for your usual medication regimen, though. The effects of chamomile are thought to be due to flavonoids, which are biologically active constituents of the plant. These chemicals are believed to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as reduce the risk of several types of cancer.

Chamomile tea has a long history of medicinal use in many cultures. In addition to its therapeutic benefits, it may be useful for stress relief, menstrual cramps, itchy skin, stomach pain and anxiety. However, more research is needed to confirm these and other claims.

One animal study found that chamomile extract may help to reduce glucose intolerance, as well as improve glycemic control in diabetic patients. Chamomile also appears to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.


Oats are a great addition to any diabetes diet. They are high in fiber, and they can help control blood sugar levels. However, it is important to monitor your blood glucose to ensure that it remains within the normal range.

Oats are a good source of energy, and they can reduce the amounts of insulin you need to inject. However, they also contain high amounts of carbohydrates, so you should keep in mind that you should limit their intake to a maximum.

If you are using oats for health reasons, it is important to use wholesome oats. Instant oatmeal, which contains added sweeteners, is not recommended.

Other foods to avoid if you have high blood sugar include processed and refined carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice, and pasta. These foods are quickly digested and can cause a rapid rise in your blood sugar levels.

In conclusion, it is important to avoid foods that are high in refined carbohydrates, trans fats, and sugar if you have high blood sugar. Whole grains, chamomile tea, and oats are all good options for people with diabetes. Eating a balanced diet and monitoring your blood glucose levels can help you manage your condition.

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MaryJo has battled diabetes and high blood sugar for years. She has now found a happy balance …here’s some simple tips on getting your blood sugar under control.