About Us

The site, TryADietForAMonth.com is an attempt at trying out different diets to see whether they work, how difficult they are and the science behind them. The site does not attempt to push any particular diet and the opinions expressed are of those who have actually tried the diets. This is NOT a scientific study with control groups, however, reference MAY be made to experiments that others have carried out in a research setting.

AllĀ  opinions expressed on this site are personal to those who write about the diet. What works for one person may not work for another and you should not take one person’s results with a particular diet as being indicative of results that YOU may achieve on the same diet. There may be affiliate links on some pages and you should assume that this site receives compensation if you purchase an item through clicking on a link on this site.

Weight loss is personal to each individual and depends on age, gender and health and also on your starting weight.

This site is aimed at those who would like to lose weight because they are deemed overweight or obese by a medical professional or their BMI has been calculated as in the obese or overweight ranges.

Nothing on this site is aimed at people with eating orders such as anorexia or bulimia. Anyone with an eating disorder should contact their doctor, other medical adviser or the National Eating Disorder site at https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helpline