Tag: diet

Tips For a Healthy Christmas Diet

https://www.tryadietforamonth.com/Whether you’re planning a healthy Christmas diet for yourself or your family, you can find great tips here for eating healthily this holiday season. Besides, you don’t have to sacrifice your favorite foods to be healthy!

Alcoholic drinks

Whether you’re on a diet or looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can still enjoy some alcoholic drinks during the holiday season. Just watch the calorie count and make sure you’re drinking in moderation.

One of the most popular Christmas drinks is eggnog. A cup of this creamy brew has 343 calories. However, some versions may be more calorie-rich than you might think. Fortunately, there are lower calorie versions of this drink available.

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Another popular drink is a milk punch. This drink is a blend of brandy, milk, vanilla extract and sugar. The addition of fruit and honey adds to its health benefits but also adds even more calories.

During the holiday season, there are many social occasions where alcohol will be served. You’ll need to be on guard against drinking too much alcohol, as alcohol can have a dehydrating effect, as well as being highly calorific. A good rule of thumb is to drink two glasses of water for every alcoholic drink you consume. You can also alternate with non-alcoholic drinks, especially water, which has no calories.

Avoid Temptations Around the House

During the holiday season it can be easy to succumb to temptations. Whether you are trying to stick to a diet or just enjoy the season, there are ways to avoid temptations.

The trick to avoiding temptations is to set realistic goals. You don’t have to completely avoid high-fat foods or sugary items. Instead, you can limit your intake of those foods and focus on healthy alternatives. You can also plan ahead with festive foods that fit into a healthy diet.

The best way to avoid temptations is to not have these items in the house or to stay out of the kitchen but if you can’t, then eat healthy snacks and meals. Keep your plate filled with fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. These foods are full of nutrients and will keep you full for longer. Keep some healthy snacks in the house, like nuts, ready to eat if you get tempted by unhealthy stuff.

You can also help your body fight off cravings by exercising regularly. Try doing a few light exercises throughout the day. This can also help keep you on track with your diet.

Stay active

Whether you’re a fitness fanatic or just want to stay fit for the holiday season, there are plenty of ways to stay active and in shape. Here are a few tips from experts.

Getting active is the first step to staying fit. If you can, plan at least three workouts a week, especially if you are having a Christmas break – easier to get into the fitness when off from work. Make sure to include a variety of activities, such as walking, cycling, or swimming. You might also want to join a sports club. This way, you can stay active while still enjoying your holiday festivities.

You should also try to get outside during the day. Getting some sunshine is proven to boost your energy levels and promote better sleep, which is beneficial to sticking with a diet.

You can also get active by volunteering. This will also give you a chance to spend time with friends and family.

Avoid the New Year hangover

During the festive season, most people overindulge in food and alcohol. If you want to avoid the new year hangover on your Christmas diet, keep in mind some simple tips.

Avoid drinking on an empty stomach. Drinking on an empty stomach can speed up the absorption of alcohol and make you feel worse. Food can slow down the absorption process and help you recover from a hangover. Eating high-fiber foods like fruit can also help you avoid a hangover.

Drinking water is also important to help you avoid a hangover. The main culprit behind a hangover is dehydration. You can prevent this by drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. Drinking water also helps prevent a headache and nausea. Drinking water also helps prevent fatigue. You may want to drink coffee or energy drinks to boost your energy or as a change from water.

Losing Weight After Christmas

The New Year often inspires a fresh start, and for many, losing weight becomes a top priority. It’s a time to set realistic goals, embrace healthier habits, and work towards a better version of yourself. Whether it’s shedding a few pounds, building strength, or simply feeling more energized, the New Year offers the perfect opportunity to commit to lasting changes.

With a balanced approach and a positive mindset, you can turn this resolution into a sustainable lifestyle transformation.

One of the first things that you could do before you begin any type of diet, if you decide to start one, is to keep a food journal (UK link). This can help you figure out what types of foods that you are eating and how often and also which ones are good for you and which ones you need to cut down on or eat less often. This planner and journal (US link) will help you keep a record of what you eat over 31 days: a whole month.

How to Lose Weight With a Juice Plus Diet Detox

Weight Loss

If you’re struggling with your weight, you can begin by setting realistic weight loss goals. Losing one to two pounds per week will require burning between 500 and 1,000 extra calories a day or else reducing your caloric intake by that much. To achieve this goal, you’ll need to cut back on the amount of food you consume and also incorporate regular physical activity into your daily routine. Losing more than that amount of weight a week may be unhealthy and even impossible (depending on your starting weight). It’s best to set realistic goals and start small, preferably not more than five pounds per week.


Juicing is one method of losing weight quickly and may also be called a “detox”, depending on the ingredients and food in the juicing system you use. Fruit juice is high in sugar, so if you are a diabetic or otherwise in need of monitoring your sugar intake you should be cautious of trying a juice fast with fruit juices. Anyone just starting out with fasting should always speak with their doctor first. Apart from these, the benefits of juicing can be great for your health. Juices made directly from fruits and veggies may not contain a lot of fiber, depending on how you prepare them, as the fiber is often left behind in the juicing process but they’re also delicious! Fresh juices can also be loaded with red, orange, and purple vegetables to give you a wide range of nutrients and ginger and lemon will often help disguise any bitterness from purely vegetable juices. Try a seven-day juice plan for delicious recipes. The juice plan will also help you add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. It’s easy to do, and you’ll feel great! Using juice plus a diet, including only certain foods, can make you feel really good.

Several popular juice recipes are designed to aid in weight loss and detoxification. Make sure you use organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Usually, juice cleanses contain two servings per day. Juice is good for your body, but too much of it may have unpleasant side effects, such as digestive problems.

There are many different types of juice fasts. Some diets call for fruit juices while others used less sugary vegetable juices. You can always come up with your own unique combination of fruit and vegetable juice diet recipes.

Juice Recipes

Some sample juice recipes are below. Use the following fruits and vegetables washed with filtered or distilled water, then cut and put in your juicer:

Vegetable Juice Combo

1/2 beetroot

3 carrots

2 Swiss chard leaves

2 or 3 sprigs of watercress

1 celery stalk

Carrot-Apple Juice

1 carrot

2-3 Green Apples
Fresh basil leaves

Carrot-Vegetable Juice

4 carrots
Fresh mint, basil or coriander leaves

A handful of dandelion leaves
1 kale leaf

Peach Juice

Simplest of all
2 or 3 peaches

Benefits of Juice Plus Diet Combos

The benefits of juicing are numerous. Whether you want to lose weight, detoxify your system, or simply improve your skin and hair, a juice cleanse is a great way to do it. It is packed with healthy nutrients and is low in processed sugar. Juice cleanses can improve your diet, help you lose weight naturally, and make you feel better and lighter. You can also see improvements in your teeth and skin.

Commercial Juicing Packages

It can be expensive to buy lots of fruit and vegetables to create your own juicing recipes: it also means acquiring a juicing machine and the time required to clean this out each time. For some people, buying a commercial juicing package makes a lot of sense both financially and time wise.

Some juicing programs provide sachets of product to be mixed with water and used as meal substitutes, for some or all meals for a restricted time, rather than recommending fruits and veg to use to create your own juices. Others provide supplements to be taken alongside recommended food options, where you prepare meals based on a specific plan. Some of these meals may be entirely plant based, others include meat or other protein components.

Some juicing programs can be used longer term, where they are used alongside a full nutritionally balanced meal once a day. These programs help keep hunger at bay for breakfast and lunch, allowing a full meal at dinner time.

Dietary Choices

You can add dietary choices to your juicing recipes, such as raw vegetables. There are many options available.

When starting a juice cleanse, choose a program that’s right for you. Try a 5-day or seven-day program if you’re new to the idea. It will be beneficial if you incorporate a variety of whole foods into your diet. Ensure that you consume a lot of fruits and vegetables every day, and that you don’t miss out on important nutrients.

Avoid consuming juices made solely of fruit. Juices made of mainly fruit contain sugar and calories and can lead to weight gain. Choose juices made from vegetables and greens instead. Green juices are bitter, so lemon and ginger are good additions. Green juices should not be drunk in large quantities. Fruits contain higher calories and sugar and should be avoided unless you are also on a strict caloric diet.

Long Term Weight Loss Strategy

It’s important to understand that juicing is not normally a sustainable long-term weight loss strategy because you cannot keep it up for long periods of time, both because it is unhealthy to lose weight at too great a rate and also because it provides a very restricted level of nutrients. And even if you lose the desired amount of weight, most people who lose weight with juicing gain it back within a very short time because they return to their previous dietary choices. So you need a strategy to move onto a weight loss diet that you can stick to after coming off the juice cleanse or detox.

Additionally, juicing is not a healthy long term lifestyle choice, and if done improperly can lead to unhealthy eating habits. Juice cleansing is also not a long-term solution for weight loss. To avoid this problem, try eating a more balanced diet. You can try carrot juice mixed with ginger or other fruits and vegetables. You can even combine carrot juice with a detox beverage.

On the other hand, a juicing program you use for 5 or 7 days, for instance, can give you a good start to a weight loss program and make you feel healthier, with motivation to stick to a healthy weight loss diet.


Top Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Diets

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https://www.tryadietforamonth.com/You have probably heard of fasting diets. You may even have tried fasting at least once in your lifetime. This is NOT the same as a starvation diet. Starving yourself is extremely unhealthy and definitely not recommended. If you tried a fasting diet but didn’t manage to stick to it, at least you learned a bit about the process and could share your experience with friends and family. If you managed to stick to the diet for any length of time, you know how beneficial it can be to losing weight. It also has a lot of other health benefits too. So let’s take a look at these, before considering the different types of fasting diets.

Intermittent Fasting Is An Umbrella Term

Fasting for weight loss has become a popular solution for many people who are trying to improve their health, lose weight or heal other ailments. In essence, intermittent fasting is an umbrella phrase for many different meal timing plans which cycle between frequent fasting and restricted consumption over a defined period. During the intermittent fasting diet, many people reduce their calorie intake and increase their exercise and activity levels. Many experts believe that this increased exercise can have a positive impact on the heart.

Fasting for weight loss is not necessarily done only for people trying to lose a lot of weight. It is often recommended for those who need to shed a large amount of unwanted pounds (usually around 30 pounds or more) from a controlled, periodic eating plan. In addition to the benefits of losing weight, there are many other benefits of fasting diets that you should be aware of.

Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

One of the biggest benefits of intermittent fasting is eating fewer calories. When you reduce your calorie intake, you will typically burn more fat. When you eat less food, your body has fewer calories to store up. Fasting diets may last only a few days, but they also can be a healthy long-term way of life.
Another benefit of fasting diets can be eating more quality fats and protein, especially if you combine a keto type diet with fasting. Many people are struggling with eating healthy fats. Because of your body’s lower need for these fat sources, eating more quality fats will help you drop weight. If you add quality proteins, like lean cuts of meat or fish, to your diet you will also increase your protein levels.
A third benefit of the fasting diet is improved digestion and increased energy. You will not be experiencing extreme hunger pangs throughout your diet. Instead of feeling bloated and hungry all the time, you will be full at the end of each day. This can lead to an improved quality of life because you will not have as many mood swings and irritable symptoms.

Finally, another benefit of the fasting diet is a lowered risk of developing heart disease. When you eat fewer calories, your body burns off extra fat and builds muscle. You may also begin to notice that symptoms of heart disease could subside. For example, if you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure or congestive heart failure, you might have experienced an increase in symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. By eating an alternate-day fasting diet, you can lower your risks of heart disease by up to 30 percent.

Although fasting diets have many benefits, they can be difficult to stick to but there are many different fasting diets and you should be able to find one that suits you.

Types of Fasting Diets


The 5:2 fasting diet was popularized a few years ago when a medical doctor, Michael Mosley, tried it and lost weight. He wrote a book called “The Fast Diet”. A friend of mine tried that diet at the time and has stuck to it ever since, working as a headteacher in elementary education and since retired and reaching 70, very healthy. On this form of intermittent fasting, you eat normally on 5 days of the week, while restricting yourself to 500 calories (women) 600 calories (men) on 2 days of the week. These days can be separated eg, Monday and Thursday, which seem to be popular choices or back to back on whichever 2 days you choose. People often choose Monday and Tuesday for that, leaving the weekend free to eat as they choose. If you reach your desired weight and do not want to lose any more, some people move to a 6:1 intermittent fasting regime, where they restrict calories on only one day of the week.


The 16:8 fasting diet is used every day. It allows you to eat only during a period of 8 hours and then you fast for the other 16 hours out of 24. Many people find that if they skip breakfast and do not eat anything until, say, 11 am, they then can eat normally between 11 am and 7 pm, which allows them lunch, a snack, and dinner and then they stop eating at 7pm until the following morning at 11 am.


OMAD stands for one meal a day, so it is basically a 23:1 fasting diet, as you are allowed to eat one meal a day, which must be finished within one hour. It is sometimes done as part of the Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet, which allows one or two low carb complementary meals a day and one reward meal a day, which must be eaten within one hour. OMAD takes just the reward meal part of this diet.

How Fasting Diets Work

The theory behind many of these is that you cannot pack the same number of calories into your body during the hours you are allowed to eat on a fasting diet as you would if your diet were totally unrestricted. This was tested out with the 5:2 diet. People tended to eat about 10% more calories on the day after a fast but not sufficiently more to compensate for all the calories not eaten during the fast day. Provided you eat healthy nutritious food, protein, good fats and wholegrain products on the days when you are not fasting or on calorie restriction, you are unlikely to eat as much as you would if you ate what you wanted 7 days a week. Even if you want to eat high calorific foods like cake and candy, provided you eat the healthy food first, you will still eat less than before.